2018 Overset Grid Symposium Tutorials are in work -- watch this space

2018 Overset Grid Symposium Tutorials Schedule

This program should be considered tentative at this point. Visit this page again soon for more details and added tutorials!

Introduction to SUGGAR++: Capabilities and Usage
Ralph Noack (Celeritas Simulation Technology, LLC)

Synopsis: An overview of the capabilities of Suggar++ will be given along with a brief introduction to the inputs and usage.

Integrated Overset Meshing and Assembly with Pointwise
Nick Wyman and Erick Gantt (Pointwise)

Synopsis: The hybrid mesh generator Pointwise, has been integrated with third-party overset assembly software to provide a unified environment for overset meshing. A tutorial will be provided for structured and unstructured overset mesh generation, assembly, and visualization.

Overset Mesh and Related Technologies in CFD++ from a User Perspective
Metacomp Staff

Synopsis: CFD++ is a powerful, general purpose CFD solver that is capable of solving complex flow problems with a high degree of accuracy, robustness, and efficiency. During this session, we will focus on showcasing the overset mesh and related technologies in CFD++ through the step-by-step setup and computation of several illustrative problems. By the end of this session, the audience should have insight into the versatility of the CFD++ solver for overset mesh and related applications, while also getting a feel for its ease-of-use.

Get the Most Out of Tecplot 360 EX with Overset Grids: Best Practices and Upcoming Features
Scott Imlay (Tecplot Inc)

Synopsis: The Tecplot Tutorial will give an introduction to visualization and analysis of CFD datasets using Tecplot 360 EX and Tecplot Chorus. The tutorial will cover:

Introduction to Overset Mesh with Simcenter STAR-CCM+
Ritu Eshcol (Siemens PLM)

Synopsis: This tutorial will introduce the overset mesh capabilities in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ software. Participants will learn how to perform the entire CFD analysis process - including CAD preparation, meshing, solving, and post-processing – within STAR-CCM+. Because it is implemented in a widely used commercial package, STAR-CCM+’s overset mesh is compatible from incompressible to hypersonic flow regimes, and with various multiphase models like VOF, Lagrangian multiphase, and liquid films. Benefits of the unique overset capabilities, which include arbitrary unstructured mesh topologies and completely automatic hole-cutting and grid assembly, will be shown via step-by-step instructions on relevant cases.

OVERFLOW Tutorial: Best Practices and Grid Adaptation
Joseph Derlaga (NASA Langley), Thomas Pulliam (NASA Ames), and Pieter Buning (NASA Langley)

Synopsis: This OVERFLOW tutorial will be split into two parts. The first hour will focus on tips, tricks, and best practices in setting up and running OVERFLOW simulations. Topics will include gridding strategies, testing grid overlap, setup for moving body problems, and post-processing. The second hour will concentrate on near-body and off-body solution-adaptive gridding in OVERFLOW. The approach to grid adaption, user controls, and examples will be described. The intent is to allow users to test this new capability on their own problems.

Tutorial for Chimera Grid Tools
William M. Chan (NASA Ames Research Center)

Synopsis: A brief overview of the various pre- and post-processing modules in the Chimera Grid Tools (CGT) software package will be presented. Most of the talk will focus on the new features introduced in version 2.2 released in June of this year. Main topics will include a geometry interface via the Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP) open source library, various diagnostics for grid and domain connectivity quality, a library for automatic type and attributes detection for file I/O, a general cut-plane tool for grid and solution visualization, enhancements to the Script Library, and a script development tutorial f or the steps in an overset CFD analysis process.

An Overture Tutorial
Bill Henshaw (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Synopsis: The Overture tutorial will give a introduction to constructing grids and solving partial differential equations using Overture. The tutorial will cover:

Overture is available free for download at www.overtureFramework.org.

FieldView: Parallel Calculation, Remote Visualization, Automation and Extract Based Workflows
Stephen Makinen, Earl Duque and Ray Boyd (Intelligent Light)

Modern high-fidelity physics simulation methods generate massive amounts of data, so a challenging scenario exists for efficiently processing results to create new knowledge. The rate of new data generation has far surpassed data rates for disk read/write operations and transfer from remote computational facilities. FieldView post-processing enables scientists and engineers to efficiently create new knowledge with scalable methods that navigate around these limitations. The FieldView tutorial will cover the following topics:

Please direct any questions to James Baeder